Kyle Burnett - Harper Lee
Kyle Burnett releases "Harper Lee" - a song about the famous US author, Harper Lee.
The track immediately opens with a very unique, atmospheric nature, consisting of harmonica, and ukelele and many other styles of instrumentation. All of these conjured together create a very tranquil, one-of-a-kind folk inspired track. It feels somewhat refreshing to hear music of this style nowadays being released, it's definitely a genre that is seen as old fashioned, but as Kyle Burnett and all the other featured artists showcase with "Harper Lee", it can still be given modern twists to feel new in todays ever changing world.
It's most definitely a very timeless style of music, that anyone, even rap fans can enjoy listening to when looking for a song to rewind to, and relax. The top-class production and attention to detail in the action packed soundscape is all worth while. It feels lively and 'real' in a sense, thanks to the wonderful, truly stunning and angelic harmonic vocal performance.
It may be a little longer than your average pop track, but there's no unneeded moments of downtime at all, ensuring you, the listener, never loses interest at all, and constantly stays engaged and intrigued.
Be sure to check out this remarkable track out for yourself below!