Little Lazy - Rich Man


Making more waves in the industry, Little Lazy release "Rich Man"

Opening with a powerful guitar introduction by Brendon Pafford, the song immediately engages the listener with it's aweinspiring nature. As the song goes on, complex, easy running drums by Kevin Cook softly enter the soundscape, adding a strong sense of structure to the feel.

The track upholds an almost bluesy/rock vibe throughout the majority of the track, with short outbursts of distorted guitar chords ensure that the listener is constantly immersed and on the edge of their seat, waiting for the next burst of might.

Around half way through the track, the slow paced nature changes completely, to a fast paced, immersive, head banging feel. There's a perfect blend of smooth vocals, rock and calmness, to create a genuine unique, one-of-a-kind style of music.

It's currently their 3rd most streamed song on Spotify, already reaching 5,000+ streams.

Be sure to check it out for yourself below!

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