Méabh Stanford - make it be me
New Jersey based Méabh Stanford releases 6 track "make it be me"
The first track is titled "Keira Knightley as Anna Karenina"
This dreamy acoustic track immediately draws you in with the soft piano introduction, and mellow, yet powerful vocal performance. As the track progresses, new elements are introduced to the soundscape, from percussion and synths, adding a wide range of depth to the track.
It leads into "oh, Hyacinth part 1"
Most tracks that are 5 minutes long or more, eventually lose their grip on the listener. However, in this song, that couldn't be any further from the case, even though it doesn't change much dynamically, the effect and calmness, keeps you intrigued constantly.
Next is "i can still hope"
The genius wordplay, complex vocals, and arugably simplistic instrumentation juxtapose together to create the masterpiece this track is. It truly bursts with originality and uniqueness at every moment, the angelic vibe the song creates is one of a kind.
With an almost seamless transition, "glory days" enters.
Holding the same lullaby feel the rest of this album upholds, this track has the capability to put you to sleep. The acoustic guitar and calming tones bring you that refreshing, melancholic vibe we all long for.
The 2nd to last track is titled "i still remember"
"i still remember" wouldn't feel out of place in a disney movie, or in a pantomime, the jumpy string instrumentation that radiates around the background keeps you tapping your feet, with your eyes closed, whilst you're immersed on this listening experience.
The finale is titled "oh, Hyacinth part 2"
This track transports you to a love driven world, by the soft nature of the effortless vocals.
The track becomes more action packed as it continues, especially towards the 2nd half, before a lull in the intensity leading you to a simple, yet fulfilling end.
Check it out below!