Ayhan Sahin - I Like You
New York based "Ayhan Sahin" releases "I Like You"
Beginning with an upbeat, funky wahful guitar introduction, this colourful track immediately begins to draw the listener in with it's happy nature and unique soundscape. Taking inspiration from a wide variety of genres, from modern pop, to classic funk, "I Like You" truly bursts with such high amounts of originality, it's unlike anything you've heard before.
As the song progresses, it becomes increasingly more action packed, with radiating, atmospheric layered vocals, and an increased pace of the elemental percussion ensuring the listener is intrigued throughout until the end. The structure is well thought out, it feels set in stone, yet it also holds a slight experimental feel.
If I could give this track any criticisms, it would be simply to make it longer, it's truly enjoyable and could go on for longer without losing it's interesting elements.
Check it out below!