LVCHLD - Baby, Won't You Pass Me the Light?


NYC based band "LVCHLD" release a brand new track - "Baby, Won't You Pass Me the Light?"

Opening with the warm, melancholic introduction of soft acoustic guitar, the track immediately transports you to a world of tranquillity, with the welcoming feel presented. 

As the song progresses, the soundscape unfolds and twists in ways that completely change your original expectations based on the intro. Complex percussion enters and keeps the structure, whilst fuzzy electric chords bring a nostalgic classic rock n roll vibe to the song.

The fast paced, love driven, and sometimes humorous lyrics bring a 60's/70's inspired upbeat feel to the track, whilst seemingly Rolling Stones inspired solos enter the spotlight, and take center stage alongside the layered vocal performance.

The song ends with a slight fade, leaving you intrigued and groovy to listen to more from this unique up & coming band.

Check it out below!

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