Enji - Quasi-Autobiography


Japanese "Enji" releases a new album titled "Quasi-Autobiography"

The first track is titled "Temporary Fragile"

This cinematic track, is really something special, and you know it right from the get go, with the occasional harmonies and inspirational soundscape. The burst of life towards the end truly fulfills the song, before fading into "Dying Anger"

The classic rock style formation truly intrigues you, with the complex guitar and deep, headbopping percussion. It feels like a live performance, it points to a feeling of rawness and cleanliness. It just feels, genuine.

"Town of Addiction"

With screeching guitar riffs and 80's punk rock chords, this song doesn't fail to grab anyone's attention, whatever genre or style they're into. The organ radiates around the music, adding a new layer of depth and ambience to the action packed song.


This primarily acoustic song, changes the mood of the album so far, with a more tranquil, calming feel.
Although the instrumentation is arguably simplistic, it doesn't fail to get inside you, and express a world of emotion and lyrics open to personal interpretation.

"Time to Look Back"

This track is similar to "I" yet, it it displays a more complex soundscape with piano and a second string instrument, alongside the sound effects, creating an all more pictorial experience to the album. It feels inspired by Alex Turner's Submarine album.

"A Man Got Everything"

Never giving any moments of downtime, this track seems to take inspiration from a wide variety of genres with stunning reverbful electric guitar and bluesy progressions that are mixed perfectly with the soft vocals.

"Leave your legacy"

It's 5 minutes long, it's the 2nd longest track on the album, yet it's one of the most incredible tracks, that's for sure. You'll find yourself lost in a melodic world oozing with a real floatiness amongst the clouds.
It's spacious and clinical.

"See you in the Dream" 

The track, at 2 minutes long, is almost like an interlude for the album, as it opens up a whole new range of possibilities of what the artist can bring in the next track. Enji could bring a heavy metal track or a full acoustic ballad, and it'd work.

"Ink Sings"

This is a listening experience, not just a song, it's an adventure of music.
Stunning, airy, ambient vocals float about the track, before ending with a slow fade, before leading into the main track "Quasi-Autobiography" 

Starting as if a typewriter is being written with, it starts with cinematic ambience, that has been aforementioned many times in this review. It also explains the amazing cover art. Now, it is 10 minutes long, but you could find yourself listening to it on repeat, It brings you on a journey, showcases all of the artists many musical talents and what he can create. It evolves into a heavy metal track, just after an acoustic song, and then ends in a lofi acoustic vibe again. It's like 5 songs in one.

"On the Table"

The finale track "On the Table", showcases Enji's songwriting ability massively and his ability to fit alot of talent into a small amount of time. The amount of intricate details added to this track and the rest of the album is truly something to look up to.

Check it out below!

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