Jules Marie - Bulletproof

Philadelphia based artist Jules Marie has released a new powerful song titled "Bulletproof"

The hypnotic tune uses a delicate matching of prominent lead vocals, combined with an easy going sway of backing harmonies. 

The dream pop tendencies bring a whole new style to Jules soundscape, there was definitely many ambient, dreamy, tranquil elements that give the track that extra unique touch.

From gentle chords to fast paced drum beats, you know this is a track that's going to explode with sound from the start. The track captures the essence of funk, modern pop, and soul all in one. 

The music serves as a backdrop for lyricism,
slick guitar licks with warm sounds roar throughout the track, and keep the rhythm bouncing. The production is quality, and the overall complex vocals and instrumentation fulfill the track.

Check "Bulletproof" out here

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