Kaya Street - Fire In The Street

Kaya Street is releasing a new song titled "Fire In The Street" as part of a new album titled "Dark|Light 2020"

The album - "Made remotely during lockdown, it features musicians and singers from across the world: Nigeria, Argentina, America, Brazil, Mexico, France, Spain, Germany, Canada, Jamaica, Cuba, Poland, and the UK."

- it's incredibly diverse and inclusive, I love it!

Beginning with an ambient, and haunting introduction, it immediately shows the listener a unique style of music.

Eventually new styles of vocals are featured, including fast-paced grungy rap. - alongside by the Egyptian-feel brass accompanied beat, it has many senses of originality, bringing indie alternative rap, into a melting pot of ska, rocksteady with a tranquil commercial twist that ensures many listeners will be intrigued by the track.

Without listening properly to the lyrics, the song could just give you a soft, original, chill tune that you could listen to in your bedroom, but the lyrics are what gives this song its edge and passion.

The lyrics tell a story that shines a light on today's affairs, such as political protests and culture wars etc.. this is what makes this song (and the upcoming album) different and gives it meaning. 

The great juxtaposition between brass instrumentation and the tranquil, dark beat makes it such a treat for the ears.

Follow Kaya Street on Instagram here

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