Chaos1.0 - Kayo's Day: A Mixtape
"Kayo's Day: A Mixtape is a kaleidoscope of thought and emotion amalgamated directly from the essence of Chaos1.0!"
This 11 track album begins with "Kayo"
Beginning with a tranquil piano introduction, it really sets the scene for the rest of the song and the instrumentation.
It is coated with moments of solitude yet reassurance, 'Kayo' doesn't dynamically shift much. It keeps the upbeat, fastpaced vibe throughout.
Next up is "All the Time"
Vocally consciously following the beat and uses rhythmical lyrics to get the point across of feeling agitated. It stands out from the ground by using mainstream rap alongside a sort of 'alternative' soundscape.
Open to interpretation, lyrically, 'All the time's seems to have a personal message to its core.
Armed with distinctive beats that will you jiving away wherever you're listening to it, the overall track is human.
"All the time" seems to be the most popular track on "Kayo's Day: A Mixtape"
The 3rd track is "Kung Fu"
Right from the intro we're hit with a spine-tingling breathless fast verse, alongside the isolated, simple piano backing.
There's a great juxtaposition between the heavy sound of the vocals and the light hearted piano that makes it such a treat.
One track of the album that really caught my attention is "Doodles & Sticky Notes"
"Doodles & Sticky Notes' is instrumentally upbeat and complex, and also follows a modern indie pop vibe.
The soft guitar chords and theremin feel synthetic instruments ensure this track is easy listening and fun, it feels more commercial and the audience potential for this song is more widespread.
Again similar to "Kung Fu" the juxtaposition between deep vocals and upbeat instruments is great.
The 6th track shows the listener that the album progresses into a more commercial style as it goes on.
"Light" has a similar backing to my favourite track "Doodles and Sticky Notes"
The backing is uplifting, especially with the harmonic, tranquil, backing opera style vocals.
The main vocals are more calming and work better with the high guitar instruments.
"Saturday" has a calming relatable sense, with a familiar, nostalgic hiphop beat.
The vocals follow the beat during the main sections and introduction, however to allow the main rap vocals to take charge, the beat softens down and descends to allow the incredible, ambient rap verses to take to the center stage.
One section of this track that really stands out from the crowd, and adds a sense of originality to it, is the unique, slowmotion style elemental rap.
This shows that Chaos1.0 is willing to experiment with a wide variety of different styles and genres.
After this "Angels" blesses the album.
Armed with a playful beat, the signature wordplay from Chaos1.0 glows with attitude and gives the track that extra edge that it needed to fulfill. It is executed well and smoothly.
It holds the energy to tap your feed and bop your head, the introduction of brass instruments for the first time in the album is definitely a game changer and gives the song a whole new texture.
"Activis" begins calmly with backing female vocals and unique angelic, stunning harmonies.
The fast vocals are overwhelming and polished.
They hold a clean, dry vibe that builds up throughout with anticipation.
They flow competently, with a chilled groove and atmosphere, giving the listener sense of melancholy.
Nearing the end of the album is "Better Dayz" (featuring YuhRetro) - YuhRetro isn't the only artist featured on Chaos1.0's album, Kay Jaiy is also featured in the track "Crown & Yak" earlier on in Kayo's Day.
Upkeeping with an acoustic feel vocal style, and bass filled promising music, "Better Dayz" is definitely more unique and contrasts to the rest of the tracks. It is an unexpected twist of genre.
The narrative style rap verse that leads the song to an end leads perfectly into the bonus song: "Best of Me"
This is a great outro to the album, it's uplifting chorus is fun, super catchy and intriguing.
It gives the listener a sense of longing and urges them to listen to more music by Chaos1.0.
The acoustic drums are introduced smoothly and are the perfect choice rather than electronic drums, as the vocals are melodic and rhythmic, whilst holding the hiphop rap jive.
Take a listen here