The Animated Life of Bugzee Lix

SPACE NEEDLE - The animated life of Bugzee Lix
The more we dig into a musical artist's body of work, the more we want to know the person behind the music. What do they listen to? What was their childhood like? 

Telling a story about success through a biographical account of someone popular and contextualizing influences on their music with a backstory can be a difficult task.

"The animated life of Bugzee Lix" answers this all, and makes this renowned artist feel more "human" to his fans.

The biopic movie begins with a musical introduction that leads into a narrated picture slideshow of the life of Bugzee Lix. He chats about what initially got him into music and talks about his childhood. 
Bugzee Lix explains how he became popular internationally, especially in Manchester here in the UK! 

The powerful Indie American Rap artist showcases his music inbetween narrative speeches throughout the movie. 

After song showcases, he explains stories behind the individual tracks, and shows us priceless memories, pictures and videos of the time he talks about. It teaches us about what Bugzee Lix's real world is like. This in turn brings us closer as fans to the artist.

This movie rehearses the story of Bugzee Lix and throws light on what actually happens behind the scenes of music making. It tells the audience the life of the rapper in great detail. 

The definition of a biopic or a biographical film is a film that dramatizes the life of a non fictional person. "The animated life of Bugzee Lix" lives up to this definition. It isn't bias, it isn't faked, it's just a pure real, well written narrative movie, that introduces Bugzee Lix to new fans and helps existing fans learn more.

Watch it here

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