John McDonough - Nowhere else to Run

John McDonough - Nowhere else to run

Picture this; it's a hot summers day, you're driving down a country road, hair in the wind. You just broke up with your ex. Now try and imagine what music you'd be playing. Well after listening to John McDonough's single "Nowhere else to run" I know for sure this is one I would choose.

This song is a colossal musical mascara of both countrified acoustic guitar strokes and folk-esque vocals. Every note sung throughout this track is beautiful.

What lies underneath is a deep, emotional meaning. Coming at a time when social interaction has been at an all time low, reduced to little more than Zoom calls and snatched meetings in parks. "Nowhere else to run" couldn't have come at a better time.

This last year has seen relationships failing, we all have those we can't risk losing, and the message behind John McDonough's ambient song is one we can all sympathise and relate with.

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