Infuhme - Lovemania

Bristol based artist "Infuhme" has released a new ambient track titled "Lovemania"

"Lovemania" is introduced with reverbful slowpaced vocals perfectly mixed with the haunting sound of the backing beat.

The majority of the song carries this same vibe, however during the chorus', the track evolves into a more fast paced action packed song, but also not going "too over the top." 

The lyrics are rhythmic and work perfectly with the easy listening British accent. 
Towards of the end of the track there is an interlude that slowly descends into the shadowy completion.

"Lovemania" is his latest track after "Help" which has managed to obtain over 61000 streams on Spotify. 

Infuhme's haunting vibes and manic rhythmic thoughtful lyrics are a great showcase of what's to come in the future from Infuhme.

Take a listen to "Lovemania" here

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