Quiana Major Album

Quiana Majors 9 song album is an intriguing calming piece of art that feels like something from a saddening movie cut scene.

The first song, Noonrise, has some tranquil guitar backing, and eventually some simple drums are introduced, the nature of the vocals are beautiful and ambient.

The second song, Small Fry, includes calm, simple but also powerful vocals and instrumentation, it feels like something you'd listen to on a Hawaiian beach as the sun is setting.

One song that really drew me in was the instrumental "Bricks" - one of the more complex songs in regard to instrumentation on the album. It features some unique styles of different keys, that don't seem like they should work together, but they do.  

The repetitive but acoustic guitar riff is very calming and contrasts well with the unusual haunting synth sounds of the backing. Very unforeseen.

'Echo's cry' reminds me of a song from Alex Turner's 'Submarine' album, but a main difference is the key changes from major to minor that assist in making the track more intriguing. The vocals are a little quiet but it still is a beautiful representation of what Quiana Major can do.

The acoustic ballad "Love you again" features a beautiful chord progression, and ambient vocals that range in pitch. 

My favourite track on the album has to be "Faith"
I love the humorous introduction. This track is also a great representation of what Quiana Majors can do, it really shows off her vocal range. "Faith" features a simple repeating guitar riff but has some awesome bass style filled deeper sections..

You should definitely listen to this beautiful album by Quiana Major.

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